Rotapie, a responsive animated jQuery pie chart plugin.

Rotapie is a flexible, responsive animated jQuery pie chart plugin based on the HTML5 Canvas API. Unlike traditional pie charts it displays a single selected slice at the top of the chart. Users can select a different slice by clicking on it. The pie chart can also be controlled via its public API. Additional information can be displayed by using the callbacks.

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Version Date Release notes Documentation Download
1.0.0 april 8, 2017 - Documentation Github

Quick setup

For a quick setup implement the following steps:

  1. Include the jquery.rotapie.js file somewhere on your website.
  2. Include a (CDN or local) link to jQuery on your webpage:
    <script src=""></script>
  3. Include a link to the jquery.rotapie.js file on your webpage:
    <script src="/scripts/jquery.rotapie.js"></script>
  4. Choose an element on the page to act as a container for the pie chart, for example a div.
  5. Select the element with jquery on the document ready event and call .rotapie():
         var pie = $('#myDiv').rotapie();
  6. You can pass a settings object with the following defaults to configure the pie chart:
       var pie = $('#myDiv').rotapie({
          slices: [                                // An array of slice objects.
             { color: '#006673', percentage: 10},  // Each slice object requires a color and percentage.
             { color: '#0294a8', percentage: 30 }, // The font color defaults to the color but can be overriden by specifying fontColor.
             { color: '#77ccd1', percentage: 60}
          sliceIndex: 0, // Start index selected slice.
          deltaAngle: 0.2, // The rotation angle in radians between frames, smaller number equals slower animation.
          minRadius: 100, // Radius of unselected slices, can be set to percentage of container width i.e. '45%'.
          maxRadius: 110, // Radius of selected slice, can be set to percentage of container width i.e. '50%'.
          minInnerRadius: 55, // Smallest radius inner circle when animated, set to 0 to disable inner circle, can be set to percentage of container width i.e. '30%'.
          maxInnerRadius: 65, // Normal radius inner circle, set to 0 to disable inner circle, can be set to percentage of container width i.e. '35%'.
          innerColor: '#fff', // Backgroundcolor inner circle.
          minFontSize: 30, // Smallest fontsize percentage when animated, set to 0 to disable percentage display, can be set to percentage of container width i.e. '10%'.
          maxFontSize: 40, // Normal fontsize percentage, set to 0 to disable percentage display, can be set to percentage of container width i.e. '20%'.
          fontYOffset: 0, // Vertically offset the percentage display with this value, can be set to percentage of container width i.e. '-10%'.
          fontFamily: 'Times New Roman', // Font-family percentage display.
          fontWeight: 'bold', // Font-weight percentage display.
          decimalPoint: '.', // Can be set to comma or other symbol.
          clickable: true, // If set to true a user can select a different slice by clicking on it.
          beforeAnimate: undefined, // Callback function called before starting animation. Read the documentation for more information.
          afterAnimate: undefined // Callback function called after animation. Read the documentation for more information.
  7. The call to rotapie returns a public API object with the following methods:
       var pie = $('#myDiv').rotapie(....);
       pie.animate(index, pieIndex); // Animate the pie chart to the next slice index.
       pie.repaint(pieIndex); // Redraw the pie chart, is often used after changing settings via "getSettings".
       pie.getSettings(pieIndex); // Retrieve the settings object.
    Read the documentation and watch the demos for more information.